LOREEN PERFORMING EUPHORIA http://youtu.be/4nJcmLMb5to
Take a closer look at star qualities. When a true star steps forward it is like being in your own recognition, for all of us can reach within and feel a purpose to our own life.
To recognize that essence becomes true by observing LOREEN. Look behind the lights, the hyper blitz effects, the dancers and the crowd and just observe the core essence of this being and you will notice that she comes from a true calling.
A true calling is more than just wanting to be a star or something special, you could perform any task just wanting to be something special, but when you transform your inner star qualities into something that you truly enjoy doing you become that star too. When you feel that inner resonance of a higher vibration, and when the daily moments strikes you as a FULL HOLIDAY in action that is a sign that you are entering into you STARDOM. When you dare to stay in that zone of your own true soul vibration and allow yourself to be there in spite of the pressure from the out side world then you can bloom into a FULL version of the higher part of you.
LOREEN has the qualities to be just as bright in the LITTLE as in the BIG contexts. Watch the videos and you could tell for yourself that the same core of her essence is present in both videos not at all depending on the outside circumstances –
We are all stars in our own right – find your core essence and JUICYFY it for the benefit of your own liking and share it with the world!
Light and Love Eva-Li